2019 Rules and Guidelines

Rules & Regulations
Article 4.4 Wetsuits of the USA Triathlon Competitive Rules states: “Effective January 1, 2013, any swimmer wearing a wetsuit with a thickness measured in any part greater than five millimeters shall be disqualified.” Members are encouraged to contact the manufacturer and get assurance that the model they own or that they are considering purchasing meets the 5-millimeter limitation.
1. Each athlete must wear the official swim cap (provided) and a
swimsuit at all times.
2. No fins, paddles, snorkels, or other artificial propulsion and/or
flotation devices, except escort craft are permitted.
3. Wetsuit or tri-suit may be used as long as they conform to USA
Triathlon guidelines.
4. Goggles or face mask may be used.
5. No athlete may wear or use any device which interferes with normal
hearing (i.e. electronic headsets, radios, MP3 players, speakers and
the like). No athlete may use a camera/cell phone camera while
6. It is mandatory that each athlete be accompanied by one swim escort
on a non-motorized escort craft at least 6 feet in length.
7. Unaccompanied and unofficial swimmers are not allowed on the course
and will be removed by event officials.
8. Substitution of escorts may be allowed as long as event officials
are notified in advance, the substitute signs a waiver, and it is not
unsafe to do so.
9. Participant may receive food or drink from swim escort. (As a
minimum, carrying of water by the swim escort is highly recommended).
10. Participant may not receive forward motion or an unfair advantage
from any person or craft. This includes drafting off another swimmer or
11. Participant may rest and receive aid on the escort craft; however,
no forward advantage may be gained by such action.
12. Each escort and swimmer must closely accompany one another at all
13. Each escort must display official number on front of shirt.
14. In an emergency, any athlete/escort needing assistance should wave
an arm/paddle overhead and blow whistle as a signal for help.
15. Swim course will be closed 6 hours after the start of Stage 1,
however it will be very difficult to reach Volcanoes National Park
within the 12 hour cutoff time should the swim exceed 5 hours. If stress is starting to creep in, you can use products like Grape Runtz Weed Strain from Fresh Bros.
1. Team vehicles will not be allowed in the transition and must be
parked in designated areas.
2. Team captains must check in with designated event officials at swim
finish area on Day 1 at Keauhou Bay no later than 8:45a.m.
3. No team member or athlete may interfere with another team or athlete
or his/her equipment while it is in the transition area.
4. Bike equipment checks, including helmets, lights and mirrors, may be
performed by event personnel as part of the transition process.
5. Helmets must be secured and fastened onto the head before leaving
the transition area.
1. Traffic lights will NOT be controlled nor will any public roadway be
closed during any portion of any stage. ALL TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS
2. Each course should be clearly marked, however it is the ATHLETE’S
RESPONSIBILITY, with the help of the support team, for keeping on
course. It is suggested that each support team and athlete familiarize
themselves with the land course by driving it prior to the start of
Stage I.
3. No athlete will receive any time adjustments for any stop made
during the completion of any stage or any portion thereof. This
includes, among others, rest or repair stops, check-ins, medical
assistance, stops required by event officials or other stops dictated
by public authorities.
4. Athletes and/or support crews may, by mutual consent, exchange food,
drink, spare parts, tools and/or personnel during any portion of the
event as long as such action does not create a hazard or give unfair
advantage to any athlete or team. In no case may any exchange take
place between a moving vehicle or vehicles or moving vehicles and
5. Any athlete who has dropped out or abandoned on the bike or run
course, or who enters their support vehicle and advances along the
course, will be officially deemed a “Participant” and may not re-enter
that day’s course. Re-entering that day’s course after these
circumstances will result in immediate disqualification. The athlete
and their crew, after dropping out of a stage or abandoning the event,
can and are encouraged to continue to support other athletes and cheer
them along the course that day and other days, if they so choose. The
“Participant” may be allowed to start and continue the next day’s stage
if they are medically capable and have met all drop-out and reporting
rules. However, if medical personnel deem an athlete incapable of
continuing in the event, that decision is binding and final.
1. No tandem, motorized or recumbent bike is allowed. Additionally, no
device designed exclusively to reduce air resistance is permitted on
any bike.
2. Disk wheels or wheel covers may not be used; however, tri-spoke
wheels are permitted.
3. A back-up bike or spare frame may be carried in the support vehicle;
such equipment may ONLY be used if the primary bike has a mechanical
failure to such an extent that it cannot be used (is unrideable). A
race official must be notified of any bike change no later than the end
of that day’s stage and damaged bike must be made available for
inspection at that time. Any spare bike must have passed the inspection
process prior to registration on Wednesday. The completed inspection
forms for each bike/frame must be on file with the race officials.
Riding an uninspected bike for any reason or switching bikes to gain an
advantage will result in certain disqualification. You may only switch
bikes once during the entire event. No switching back and forth is
permitted. With the exception of the frame (or back-up bike), all other
bike parts may be interchanged while on the bike course.
4. No accompanying riders are permitted on the bike course.
5. All aspects of the bicycle must be safe to the rider, other
athletes, team members, officials and the general public.
6. Each athlete must have certain aspects of his/her bike inspected
prior to registration. These aspects include, but may not be limited to
brakes, handlebars, headset, helmet, rear view mirror, lights, tires
and wheels. Any equipment unable to meet minimum standards may not be
used until the problem is corrected. All repair costs are the
responsibility of the rider and must be paid upon completion of the
7. During the bike portion of Stage I and for all of Stage II,
drafting or pacing of any kind, including off any motor vehicle is
not permitted.
8. Each athlete must conform to all traffic laws and is responsible for
all consequences of any infraction.
9. Each athlete must wear an official number while on the bike course;
it must be clearly visible and placed on the lower back of the rider.
10. Frame numbers must be displayed in a highly visible position on the
bike while the rider is on the course.
11. Each athlete must wear a properly fastened hard-shell helmet that
meets or exceeds ANSI or SNELL standards.
12. Each athlete or bike must be equipped with a functional rear
view mirror at all times.
13. Stage II contains two designated NO-FEED ZONES; ZONE 1 extends from
the start line to about Mile 24 with ZONE 2 going from about Mile 45 to
Mile 61. Accordingly, each athlete should enter each zone with at least
two full water bottles and two spare tires/tubes.
14. Athletes may only make forward progress while accompanied by their
bike. Push-offs of any kind are not permitted.
15. No athlete may wear or use any device which interferes with normal
hearing (i.e. electronic headsets, radios, MP3 players, speakers and
the like). No athlete may use a camera/cell phone camera while cycling.
Cell phones may be carried by athlete for use in case of emergency or
mechanical issue, but may not be used unless athlete is stopped with
both feet on the ground.
16. Side by side riding is not permitted. Likewise any propulsive
action by the head or hands is prohibited.
17. Riders on the course after sunset or who finish after the 11 hour
mark on Stage I & II must have an operational headlamp on the bike
and reflective materials on the front and back of his/her person.
Failure to do so will result in a time penalty
18. The bike course for Stages I/II will be closed 12 hours after the
start of each stage.
19. Any athlete not reaching the finish line of the stage within 15 minutes after the Close of the stage will be asked to leave the course and must get a ride to the Finish in their support vehicle. Not following this rule may result in not being allowed to start the next stage and disqualification from the rest of the event.
1. Each athlete must run or walk the entire course. Crawling will
result in disqualification
2. Each athlete must wear the official number while on the run course;
it must be worn and clearly visible from the front of the runner.
3. Stage III contains two designated NO-FEED ZONES. ZONE 1 extends from
the start line to the end of Mile 2 with ZONE 2 being the last 100
yards before the finish line. No support vehicles may accompany
athletes in these zones.
4. Pacing among official athletes is allowed, but no athlete may be
paced by more than one non-athlete at a time. All pacers must be on
foot. No pacer may do any headwind blocking.
5. Skates, bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades and the like may not be
used by team members or pacers on the run course.
6. Athletes must run on the shoulder of the highway, except when
crossing the highway or within 1 mile of the finish line.
7. Athletes and team members must exercise extreme caution when crossing the highway.
8. No runner or pacer may use any device which interferes with normal
hearing (headsets, radio, headphones, MP3 players, etc.) No athlete may
use a camera/cell phone camera while running. Cell phones may be
carried by athlete for use in case of emergency, but may not be used
unless athlete is stopped with both feet on the ground.
9. Any runner (and pacer) on the run course after sunset must have
reflective materials on the front and rear of his/her shoes, shirt, and
10. Run course will be CLOSED 12 hours after the start of Stage
11. Any athlete not within 2 miles of reaching the finish line after
the Close of Stage III will be asked to leave the course and must get a
ride to the finish in their support vehicle. Any athlete not
cooperating with this request will be disqualified and not eligible for
any awards nor be allowed into any future Ultraman Event. Cut-off times
may be adjusted if course conditions warrant.
1. Each support team shall consist of at least two adult members at all
times. Substitutes may be made only if the race staff is notified in
advance and Team Agreement is signed beforehand.
2. Except in the case of an emergency, no team may have responsibility
for more than one athlete.
3. Two members must have a valid driver’s license.
4. One member shall be the swim escort and may also be a member of the
land team.
5. Each member will be required to (a) provide his/her name, address,
and phone number, and (b) sign the Team Agreement prior to the
start of Stage I.
6. No member may use any illegal substances during the event and its
related activities. The use of alcohol during any portion of any stage
is prohibited.
7. Verbal or physical abuse of any event personnel, including other
athletes, support team members, organizers, officials, volunteers,
public officials and members of the general public, will result in
immediate disqualification of the offending crew member’s athlete.
8. One member must be designated Team Captain and this person must be
able to speak and understand English.
9. The Team Captain will be the official spokesperson for the athlete
and team. As such s/he will be responsible for the team and its
10. Costs and arrangements for procurement, training, outfitting,
transportation, and housing of the team are the responsibility of each
11. Each athlete and Team Captain or designated team representative is required to attend the entire Pre-Event Briefing; all other
members are encouraged to attend.
12. Each Team Captain must check in at all start/finish lines.
The swim escort must check in and out at the start/finish lines of the
swim course.
13. Crews are not allowed to stop in designated NO FEED ZONES. Crews
should ensure that their athlete is prepared to travel through NO FEED
ZONES unassisted, including being prepared to fix flats and minor
repairs as required and carry at least 1 water bottle and nutrition. NO
FEED ZONES will be monitored and marshaled by Race Officials.
Violations will result in penalties and possible disqualification
depending on severity of the violation.
14. Any Team Captain whose athlete drops out of a day’s stage or
decides to abandon the event entirely will IMMEDIATELY inform the Race Director or Assistant Race Directors. If immediate communication is not possible, notification will be as soon as possible and no later than the close of that day’s stage. Failure to do so will result in a time penalty or
possible disqualification of the athlete and/or team.
15. Any team captain whose athlete is unable to make a cutoff may be
required to pick up that athlete and check in with officials at the
finish line (See Bike Rule #14 and Run Rule #11). Dropouts or
disqualified athletes must be brought to the finish line as soon as
possible to be checked in. If this cannot be done it is the
responsibility of the Team Captain to notify event officials at the
finish line of the athlete’s status as soon as possible.
16. Members must obey all event regulations, traffic laws, and public
ordinances, as well as follow the directions and instructions of all
event officials and public authorities.
17. Except as noted, members may be on the course only in their
capacity as such. No member may utilize a non-motorized wheeled vehicle
(including a bicycle) on the course, except in an emergency. Except as
a run pacer, being on a team is not an opportunity to swim, bike, or
run during any stage.
18. No member may interfere with or obstruct another team or athlete,
any roadway, traffic, or cause any public inconvenience.
19. No member of any support team, while inside a vehicle, may hand or give any aid to any athlete, whether moving or stationary, unless
the athlete has dropped out, been pulled from the course, been required
to enter the vehicle by event officials, or finished the stage, AND is
inside the vehicle.
20. Unless the athlete is inside the vehicle, all hand offs and/or aid
of any kind must be given to the athlete while the vehicle is parked
off the highway with the emergency flashers on, and the team member is
on the shoulder of the roadway.
21. Disqualified athlete must be brought to the finish line as soon as
possible after disqualification to be checked in. If this cannot be
done, it is the responsibility of the designated Team Captain to notify
finish line officials of the athlete’s status as soon as possible.
22. Event officials assume no responsibility for the health, safety,
and welfare of any athlete and/or support team member while they are
participating in any portion of the event. If a situation or emergency
should arise which requires care or attention by medical personnel, the
support team should transport the person affected to the nearest
medical facility, call 911, or call designated personnel to request
help if transport is not possible or advisable.
23. The role of the support team is vital to each athlete and the
safety of the event. The utmost care, concern and courtesy must be
given to all, including the general public. The proper conduct and
concern of the team and its individual members for the safety and
well-being of all is extremely crucial and will be required. Rule
violations by Team members will result in the athlete receiving a time
penalty and/or possible disqualification. Since team members will be
the athlete’s lifeline, providing nutritional, technical, medical and
equipment support, the need for adequate preparation and supplies,
especially ice and water, should not be underestimated!
1. Each athlete must have no more than one
accompanying motor vehicle during all portions of the land course.
2. Each vehicle must clearly display official event signage in the
areas designated.
3. No vehicle may provide draft or pace for any athlete.
4. No vehicle may follow any athlete except in an emergency. In that
case, emergency flashers must be on at all times.
5. The “leapfrog” method of support is required at all other times.
6. Emergency flashers must be on when a support vehicle is pulled over
to give aid.
7. No vehicle may travel alongside an athlete except to pass them. THIS

General Guidelines
(See Rules & Regulations for more details)
For the purpose of age group standings, the finishing field will be
subdivided into ten-year groups. Separate divisions for men and women will be provided in all cases. All athletes must have reached their twentieth
(20th) birthday by the start of Stage 1. Age group prizes will
be at the discretion of the organizers. Ages are determined based on the athete’s age on December 31st of the Event Year.
Since the use of support teams is required throughout, aid stations will not be provided to athletes by event officials. Water and
limited toilet facilities will be available at the start and finish lines
of each stage.
Applications will be accepted up to and including August 31st of
the event year. Applications received after that date will only be
considered if space is available in the event for that year or be added to
the wait-list.
Applications will be categorized into the following categories: “Veterans”,
“Former Crew & Volunteers” & “First Timers”. The Application Review
Committee will review the applications to determine the category and to
ensure qualification standards have been met. Thus, the information that is
provided with the application will be crucial. Special emphasis will be
placed on applicant’s endurance activities to date and the demonstrated
ability to finish all three stages. Specific details of qualification will
be issued with the Official Application Kit for the event. At a minimum,
the applicant must be a former Ultraman finisher (Canada—prior to 2015,
United Kingdom—prior to 2014, Florida, Australia, or World Championships)
and have finished an event with at least a 2.4 miles swim, 112 miles bike,
and 26.2 miles run or equivalent in the previous 18 months to the Ultraman
Event for which they are applying. Due to this qualification, “former crew
and volunteers” and “first timers” are automatically placed on a wait-list.
Each applicant that is issued an Invitation will receive an Official
Acceptance Kit. Invitations not accepted within 7 days may be considered
invalid, and the space released to another applicant.
Wait-listed athletes (those qualified applications in excess of the event
maximum entry numbers or late applications – received after August 31st)
will be advised of their application status. Wait-listed athletes may
receive invitations as slots become available at the discretion of the
Application Review Committee.
Each finisher will receive a distinctive award. Additionally, the first
overall finishers (male and female) and the first three men and women
finishers in each division may receive individual recognition at the Awards
Presentation. The right to limit or expand the awards, based on the number
of entries and finishers in each division, is reserved. All awards will be
presented at the Awards Dinner on Monday night. Attendance by athletes,
crews, friends and family to the Awards Banquet is HIGHLY recommended as the format is unique to Ultraman and this completes the Ultraman
experience. This is an interactive function with a large degree of
participation by all in attendance.
As part of the pre-event preparations, each athlete must have certain aspects of his/her bike inspected after its arrival in Kona and prior to the start of Stage I. This inspection must be done by appointment only at Bike Works (808-326-2453), or at Kona Sports Center (808-731-6335) in Kailua-Kona and will include, but may not be limited to, brakes, handlebars, headset, helmet, lights, rear view mirror, tires, and wheels. A certificate of inspection will be issued by the inspecting shop for each bike including the spare bike and/or frame if applicable, to be used during the event. Athletes will not be allowed to register without the completed Bike Inspection Certificate.
Event officials may check each bike again in the transition area. It
is the responsibility of each athlete to ensure that all aspects of his/her
bike are safe to the user and to other athletes, team members, officials,
and the general public at all times during the event. Any equipment which
officials deem unable to meet minimum standards may not be used until the problem is corrected. All repair costs are the responsibility of the rider
and must be paid for upon completion of the work.
All athletes, whether officially registered by a national governing body as
amateur, elite or professional will participate in the age group category.
At the beginning and end of each stage or segment thereof, each athlete and
team captain must check in with the event Registrar who will be located
adjacent to the respective start/finish lines. In addition, at the start of
the swim, the escort must check-in with the athletes for numbering
purposes. Failure to follow this procedure may preclude further present or
future participation in the event.
Each Team must have an operating North American cellular telephone number.
Cellular telephone numbers will be collected at Registration. Numbers will
be listed and distributed to each crew and event support vehicle prior to
the start of Stage 1 Swim. For athletes visiting from foreign countries,
pay-as-you-go cellular phones may be purchased at local retailers such as
Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, AT&T or Verizon. This cost is the
responsibility of the athlete.
If conditions develop prior to or during the event which necessitate a
change in plans, the following action(s), in order of severity, will be
taken: (1) postponement, (2) course modification, (3) cancellation. If it
will be unsafe to conduct the swim as scheduled, this portion of Stage I
may be postponed until the morning following the end of Stage III. If the
event or any portion of it is postponed, modified, or cancelled, there will be no refunds.
The sole responsibility for following the prescribed course rests with each athlete and crew. No time credits or adjustment in finishing
results shall be made for athletes who fail to follow the proper course for
any reason whatsoever.
Time penalties or disqualification may result from failure to
follow the proper course.
Every effort will be made to mark each intersection on the course and
detailed course descriptions and route maps will be made available to each
athlete and support team.
Provision for payment of retail items by credit card is available. However
it is suggested that you make plans to have sufficient travelers’ checks or
cash available to pay for costs directly related to the event. Personal
checks may be acceptable with proper identification; however, there will be
a $25 charge for each returned check.
For safety reasons, the following cutoff times have been established:
Suggested swim cutoff= 5-1/2 hours, Stages I, II, III = 12 hours each
(Total = 36 hours).
Any athlete who does not reach the designated finish line before a
cutoff time will be declared a “Participant” and may be requested to
leave the course at that point. “Participants” may be allowed to continue unofficially in the next stage at the discretion of the race staff. However, only those athletes who have made each day’s 12 hour cutoff and completed all portions of the course will be designated Finishers. Only Finishers will be eligible to receive any Finisher awards. Cutoff times may be modified if
course conditions warrant.
Athletes not making a cutoff or not beginning and finishing any portion of
any stage will be automatically disqualified. Athletes or team members not
adhering to the regulations and guidelines of the event are also subject to
disqualification for the athlete. Disqualified persons may be allowed to
continue unofficially in the event, depending on the nature of the
infraction, but none will be eligible to receive any Finisher or any age
group awards. Those allowed to continue do so at their own risk.
Stage I
(Day 1): 6.2 mile (10 km) ocean swim (from Kailua Pier to Keauhou Bay) + 90
mile (145 km) bike from Keauhou Bay to Volcanoes National Park
Stage II
(Day 2): 171.8 mile (276 km) bike from Volcanoes National Park and finish
at Kamehameha Park, Kapa’au.
Stage III
(Day 3): 52.4 mile (84 km) run from Hawi and finish at Old Airport State
Park, Pavilion Number One.
All distances are approximate and subject to modification (See Course Description section for further details).
This is an individual endurance event; therefore, drafting of any type
during any portion of any stage, including the swim, is prohibited by any
Where applicable and not otherwise modified by more stringent event
standards, the Competitive Rules, as published by USA Triathlon and
contained in its current Triathlon Competition Guide, are hereby
incorporated by reference and govern the event. Copies of this booklet will
be available as part of the registration process; it is strongly urged that
each athlete and team member carefully read the pertinent sections of this
17. FEES
Our pricing for the event is an inclusive price for staging the event,
which includes the athlete and the cost of event meals and shirts for two
(2) land crew and one (1) swim escort, the minimum crew requirement for the
event. Included in the fees are the following:
4 Pre-race Breakfast Tickets (1 Athlete and 2 Land Crew, 1 Swim Escort)
4 Award Banquet Tickets (1 Athlete and 2 Land Crew, 1 Swim Escort)
3 KMC (Volcano) Carbo Dinner Tickets (1 Athlete and 2 Land Crew)
3 KMC (Volcano) Continental Breakfast Tickets (1 Athlete and 2 Land Crew)
3 Hawi Continental Breakfast Tickets (1 Athlete and 2 Land Crew)
3 Massages (one at the end of each stage 1 Athlete or 1 Crew Member)
3 Crew Shirts
1 Photography DVD (Each Athlete)
Finisher or Participant Award & Garment
Sponsor Products
NOT INCLUDED are the following: Accommodations while in Kailua-Kona, Volcano and Hawi, transportation to and from Kailua-Kona, meals other than those listed as part of the entry fee, nutritional needs, other race supplies or vehicle rentals. Note that you are responsible for your evening meal in Hawi. Also not included are the costs of any additional crew you may bring or swim escort boat requirements. Information on these additional costs, will be made available with the Official Acceptance Kit.
Entry fees will be charged during the Application process. You will be
notified via email along with acceptance deadline information. Fees must be paid with Application and any application received without accompanying full entry fee will be considered incomplete. The Refund and Withdraw policy will take effect starting from the time your fees are paid.
US Athletes – may pay via personal check drawn on their personal account
(checks are payable to Ultraman World Championships), or a Credit
Card (via Active.com or contacting UMWC directly*). If there are processing
fees charged by our bank for the processing of personal checks, such fees
will be charged back to the athlete and collected at registration time.
International Athletes – may pay via Credit Card (via Active.com or
contacting UMWC directly*).
Any returned checks will be charged back at an additional $50 to the
athlete. Your application is not considered complete until all fees are
paid in full and as such athletes may have applications withdrawn or will
not be allowed to complete the registration process until all fees are paid
to the satisfaction of the organizers.
*Entry fees processed directly by us will be subject to a processing fee
not to exceed 3.8%.
Filming of the event will not be permitted whether for personal or
commercial use unless prior written authorization is obtained from event officials. Such authorization may be withheld if the filming is in conflict with the granting of other film rights and/or registered logo use.
Filming by drone will not be permitted under any circumstance, without express, prior written permission from the Event Directors.
Bonafide members of USA Triathlon (and persons who have a single event
permit) who are athletes in the event and have signed a valid USAT waiver
will be afforded excess medical expense coverage up to $25,000 ($1,000
deductible) and accidental death/dismemberment benefits up to $25,000
according to the terms and conditions of the master policy. Contact USAT
directly for more information (call 719-597-9090). No other athlete
insurance coverage will be provided nor is any liability assumed by event
officials. Claim forms will be included in the team materials distributed
to each team captain. It is mandatory that each support team vehicle have
no-fault insurance coverage, as required by Hawai’i law, for the duration
of its use in conjunction with the event; evidence of this coverage will be required to be presented as part of the registration process.
Each athlete must be able to either (1) speak and understand English
or (2) provide a team member who can act as a translator between the
athlete, other team members, and event officials. All Team Captains must be
able to speak and understand English. The Event Organizers will not be able
to provide translation services or provide bilingual team members in most
cases. This is an athlete responsibility. Athletes cannot rely on these services being available at the event location.
The starting field will be limited to forty (40) individual athletes, and entry will be by invitation only.
The ULTRAMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS has eliminated the relay division for the foreseeable future due to overwhelming interest by qualified individual athletes.
Massage therapy will be available at the end of each stage. By payment of
the entry fee, each athlete is entitled to a massage at the end of each
stage (3 massages total). This service is primarily for athletes, but may
also be available for team members if the athlete chooses to forego a
massage at the end of a stage. No credits will be given for unused massages
and massages must be done at the finish line of each stage.
Five meals are planned in connection with the event. These are the
Thanksgiving Day breakfast held on Thursday, the day before the start of
Stage I (athlete and Team Captain attendance is required), Carbo Load
Dinner at KMC after finish of Stage I, continental breakfasts prior to the
starts of Stage II and Stage III, and the Awards Party held the day after
Stage III is over. Since the pre-event briefing is part of the Thanksgiving
breakfast, and is in the same location, team members are encouraged to
attend the breakfast to have an opportunity to meet one another and the
event personnel. It is also hoped that all athletes, their guests, and team
members will attend the Awards Dinner and the Presentation which follows. Each athlete will be provided the number of tickets indicated in section #17 FEES in order that his/her support team members are included in these events.
Medical support will not be provided to athletes by event officials.
Accordingly, it is the responsibility of each support team to provide
and/or seek professional help should the need arise. Emergency medical
contacts and information will be provided to each support team. Independent medical studies may be conducted in conjunction with the event. Participation will be voluntary. No Intravenous fluids are allowed to be administered between stages. If an IV is necessary in order to complete the event, the athlete may continue, but will then be considered a Participant and not a Finisher.
For safety reasons, certain short portions of the land course will be
designated No-Feed Zones. These are areas where the support team is not
allowed to accompany the athlete. Only in case of an emergency will support be permitted to stop in these designated zones.
During the check-in process, the escort will be given a number to be worn
on the front of his/her shirt or hat. Bike: Each athlete will be given two jersey numbers; one to be worn on the lower back each day, and a frame number to be placed on the bike frame. Run: Each athlete will be given one number to be worn on the front. Teams: Each Team Captain will be
given two numbers to be affixed to the outside lower driver’s side of the
front and back windshields of the team vehicle. Numbers identify official
athletes and teams, must be clearly visible at all times, and worn as
directed by event officials. No alteration of any numbers is permitted.
Pacing among official athletes is allowed only during Stage III Run and
then only under the following conditions: (a) a athlete may be paced by only one designated non-athlete at a time, (b) all pacers must be on foot while pacing, (c) all pacers must have signed a Team Agreement waiver prior to pacing and (d) any pacer who is not an official athlete must clearly display signage provided by event officials. Pacing with any wheeled vehicle (whether motorized or not) is not permitted during any portion of the event.
Since parking will be limited in all staging areas and prohibited at all
start and finish lines, affected persons should plan accordingly. In every
case, all event-related vehicles must be parked legally and safely off any
highway and in such a manner that does not obstruct the normal flow of
traffic or create a hazard to anyone.
Specific penalties will be levied for infractions and/or misconduct. Such
penalties will normally consist of time penalties assessed against the
athlete at the end of each stage, with immediate disqualification occurring
for major misconduct and/or infractions. In general, penalties will conform
to those established by USA Triathlon and detailed in its current Competition Guide. The time penalties for Ultra Distance races consist of 6 minutes for the 1st infraction and 12 minutes for the 2nd penalty. The third penalty equals disqualification from the event. These penalties are cumulative for all three days. Copies of this booklet will be available as part of the registration process. The Race Director(s) has the authority, at any time, to overrule any rule or invent a new rule based on extenuating, unforeseen, and/or unusual circumstances and/or to maintain the integrity and fair play necessary for the successful completion, and continuation of the race. The Race Director(s) has ultimate authority in regards to all rules, their interpretation, and their enforcement. All entrants in the race, and their support crews, willingly acknowledge this fact, as well as all other race rules by attending the race in any capacity.
It is strongly suggested that all personal property be adequately and
indelibly identified with the owner’s name and event number prior to the
start of Stage I. Event officials assume no responsibility for the theft,
loss, or destruction of any personal property of any athlete or support
team member.
The absolute necessity of proper planning cannot be emphasized enough. In
addition to making the necessary travel plans, it is crucial that each athlete properly inform, train, organize and prepare each team member. This
includes providing them with copies of pertinent event information and also keeping them updated on any changes. Waiting to accomplish this on the day before this event is not advisable. First time athletes should (a) plan to drive the entire land course before registering, and (b) remember that most stores will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Athletes who are utilizing local residents as team members are urged to be in contact with them as early as possible to make all the necessary arrangements, including automobile, lodging, and food; this is especially true for swim escorts and escort craft. No one will be permitted to begin any stage without a complete team and the required equipment.
No athlete will be permitted to use fins, paddles, snorkels, or any
flotation device (except as noted) during the swim; likewise, no swim
escort will be permitted to use any sail craft or any escort craft less
than six feet in length. In addition, during the bike segments, no athlete
may use disk wheels or any device designed exclusively to reduce air
resistance. No athlete may use any device that (1) interferes with normal
hearing (headsets, etc) or (2) provides any independent means of forward
motion (3) camera/cell phone camera while cycling or running. Cell phones
may be carried by athlete for use in case of emergency or mechanical issue,
but may not be used unless athlete is stopped with both feet on the ground.
No team may utilize more than one support vehicle, and such vehicle may not exceed six (6) feet in width (campers, large vans and trucks, etc. are
prohibited). No athlete or team member may use any illegal or otherwise
banned substance at any time during any portion of the event. The event is
to be drug-free throughout. (See the Rules & Regulations section in this kit for more information.)
Any Support Team Member or Athlete that feels they have a complaint against any individual is to bring their concerns to the Event/Race Director at the earliest possible opportunity so that it may be dealt with as quickly as
possible. The Team Captain will be the person responsible for submitting
any official protest on behalf of the athlete and/or team member(s) as the
result of misconduct by another athlete and/or team. Such protest must be
in writing and filed within 30 minutes following the withdrawal of the
athlete or his/her completion of the swim or stage in which the incident is
alleged, whichever occurs first. Protest forms will be provided by event
officials. Do not wait until the event is over.
The selection of Invitees will be based upon the experience and other
qualifications and criteria of each applicant. At a minimum it is expected
that the applicant will be a former finisher of an official Ultraman event
(Canada—2019 and forward, United Kingdom—prior to 2014, Florida, Australia (2017 or earlier), or World Championships) and have completed an event with at least a 2.4 miles swim, 112 miles bike, and 26.2 miles run or equivalent in the previous 18 months to the Ultraman Event for which they are applying. Other ultra-distance events may also be considered as qualifiers assuming they have distances equal to or greater than iron distances and if it is deemed they require the planning and training that would be of benefit to the athlete doing Ultraman.
For those applicants who are not issued invitations, the full entry fee, less the $200 administrative fee, will be returned at the time notification is mailed. Invitees may only be eligible for refunds if written notice of their intent to withdraw is postmarked by AUGUST 1st; in that case, the $200 administrative fee and a $200 withdrawal fee (total $400) will be retained. NO REFUNDS OF ENTRY FEES WILL BE MADE AFTER AUGUST 1st.
Registration will be on the Wednesday preceding the start of Stage I, and
all invitees wishing to participate must register in person on that day.
No athlete will be allowed to register until all entry fees have been
paid in full.
To pick up registration materials, each invitee is required to present
his/her USAT membership card, identification with photo, bike inspection
certificate(s), and complete information about his/her team, including names, contact information, and a signed individual Team Agreement for
each member, vehicle model/make/license number, and a copy of the Hawaii No-Fault insurance card. Materials will only be issued to those completing the registration process, and only those persons will be allowed to begin Stage I.
Checks submitted in connection with the application must clear the
applicant’s bank before an invitation will be considered to have been
officially issued. A service fee of fifty dollars ($50.00 US) will be
charged each time any check issued in connection with the event is returned as unpaid.
Certain areas of the course will have restricted access. These areas will
be designated at all start and finish lines and the swim-bike transition,
as well as the No-Feed Zones. Other areas may be included, so it is
important that the directions of event officials be followed carefully and
Safety is THE primary consideration and support teams are required throughout. However, this event is extremely strenuous and requires tremendous individual endurance and stamina. The risk of accident, injury, sickness, and even death, may be present throughout all three stages. Proper training, well-maintained and appropriate equipment, good judgment, respect, common sense and courtesy will be crucial in making this a safe and successful event. If an emergency situation necessitates or causes a rule infraction, event officials may make allowances in the interest of promoting safety.
This event has been sanctioned annually by USA Triathlon. As part of this
sanction, each athlete will be required to hold a current USAT membership, sign USAT waiver (AWRL) and Medical Consent and Release Form.
Any invitee who does not possess a valid USAT card will be required to
complete an application for a single event permit as part of the
registration process.
Athletes will be required to wear/utilize the following special equipment:
swim caps and numbers as provided by event officials, a properly fastened
ANSI or SNELL approved hard shell helmet, and rear view mirror. Lights will be required on bicycles due to the early sunsets in late November. Swim escorts must (a) wear shirts to affix numbers issued by officials (tank
tops are recommended) and (b) utilize an escort craft which must be
non-motorized and a minimum of 6 feet in length.
At two minutes, one minute, and 30 seconds prior to the start of each
stage, announcements to that effect will be made. 10 seconds prior to the
start, a countdown will begin. A starting signal will then be given. Prompt
starts are a tradition and will be adhered to. It is each athlete’s responsibility to be ready to start at the designated times. No time allowance will be made for anyone not starting as scheduled.
Storage of athlete’s event-related equipment is the responsibility of each
athlete and Team Captain. Provision for storage by event officials before,
during, or after the event will not be made.
Due to the length and nature of the event, it is mandatory that a support
team of at least two (2) adult persons and NO MORE THAN ONE vehicle/automobile accompany each athlete throughout all stages of the event. No one will be allowed to participate without having this team. Each athlete is responsible for securing, organizing, and training this team. Each team member, including the swim escort, will be required to (a) provide his/her name, address, and phone number and (b) sign the individual Team Agreement. In addition to these two requirements, the team member who is designated Team Captain will act as the official spokesperson for the athlete and team and will be required to attend the entire pre-event briefing (other
members are also encouraged to attend). For safety and simplicity, no
support team or any team member may utilize a non-motorized wheeled vehicle (including a bicycle) except in an emergency. NOTE: the entry fee will include three (3) shirts for team members as well as the allotted number of tickets for the following meals: 4 for Thanksgiving breakfast briefing, 3 for KMC dinner and breakfast, 3 for Hawi breakfast and 4 for Award banquet. The opportunity to purchase additional shirts, meal tickets and souvenir items will be provided at registration.
Each athlete must arrange and pay for ONE (1) automobile to be used as a
team vehicle throughout the event. Such vehicle may not be wider than six
(6) feet but must be large enough to accommodate all equipment, team
members, the athlete, and his/her needs. For safety reasons, the use of
campers, large vans, and trucks is prohibited. No team may have more than
one vehicle on the course at a time. NOTE: Mini-vans are recommended.
It is mandatory that each athlete be accompanied by an escort and escort
craft at all times during the swim portion of Stage I. The escort is considered a member of the support team and will be required to complete the Team Agreement prior to the start of Stage I and display the designated official number while on the course. A non-motorized escort craft is required (a kayak or one-man canoe is recommended), but craft utilizing sails or being less than six (6) feet in length may not be used. No athlete will be allowed to start the swim and/or continue in the swim without a proper escort and acceptable craft. Swim escorts must be in excellent condition and able to escort the swimmer from start to finish.
For an athlete who needs a complete support team or additional team
members, including a swim escort and/or escort craft, some assistance may
be available from the Big Island community. Such assistance may only be
available if advance arrangements are made by completing the Team
Assistance Form or contacting the Team Coordinator directly by email at
ultramanworlds@gmail.com. See the Acceptance Kit for further
information and instructions.
Although this event will be one of individual endurance, no one would be
able to finish it without the cooperation inherent in good teamwork. Each
support team will be required to provide for their athlete’s needs and must
not hinder or interfere with another team or person at any time. On the
other hand, the underlying philosophy of this event is to encourage and
promote the spirit of camaraderie with respect for all. Therefore, honesty,
good judgment and sportsmanlike conduct are all integral parts of the event
and will be expected of everyone at all times.
Without the Support Team no athlete will be able to compete or continue to
compete in the event in the case of a Support Team abandoning the race. No
Athlete or Support Team Member shall mistreat or abuse either physically,
verbally or mentally anyone connected to the event. No Athlete is to ask
any member of any Support Team to take any action that would contravene the Rules and Regulations, Guidelines or the Spirit of Competition of Ultraman World Championships and will be immediately disqualified and not allowed to continue if they pursue such behavior.
The event name and logos are registered marks which may not be used or
reproduced in any manner without prior written consent from the Race
Director. A logo licensing fee of at least $1,000.00 US will be charged. Such
marks, as well as selected sponsor logos, may be required to be worn and/or
displayed by athletes and team members during certain portions of the
event. Notification of such requirements, if any, will be made as part of
the registration process. Athletes may make copies of pertinent written
materials in connection with preparations for the event; however, such
copies are for personal use only and may only be distributed to bona-fide
team members who may not reproduce them in any manner thereafter.
All travel arrangements – air, ground, hotel accommodations and meals are the responsibility of each athlete.
It is important that plans for travel and accommodations be made well in
advance of arrival in Hawai’i. As the event takes place over American
Thanksgiving weekend, bookings (especially for support vehicle) must be
made well in advance due to the busy holiday weekend.
Protective suits, such as tri-, body-, and wetsuits, including those
containing neoprene, will be permitted to be used during the swim to
protect against exposure and marine organisms. Wetsuits must conform to USA Triathlon Guidelines and may not exceed 5mm in thickness at any point in the suit. Use of prohibited wetsuits will result in immediate